The chart module allows for multiple data series in a single graph with automatic scaling. A chart can be zoomed in and out using the scroll wheel. There is also a time span setting to avoid having to scroll in and out and to show older data than the default span (see next section).

The shown data can be easily customized by setting a time span for the graph. The chosen time span is saved in a cookie to avoid forcing the user to set the span on every visit.
- Click the cog in the top right of the graph to open the dialog window.
- Choose desired span either using the calendar or clicking on of the preset buttons.
- Click on 'Show' in the bottom right.

Option that synchronizes the scale of all data series adding their respective scale on the side of the graph. Side scales inherit any custom color set on the series.
Slider below the graph that show the current zoom level and span. Can be dragged left or right to control the span without affecting zoom level.