Dashboard Creation
Everything related to dashboards can be found under 'Dashboard' in the side menu. At the top of the page there you will find information regarding sensor node activity and statistics for the incoming data.
The existing dashboards are found in the navigation menu where dashboards and categories are organized in a user-defined tree structure. To go to a dashboard, simply left-click on its name. To create a new dashboard or category, right-click in the navigation menu. The list can be reorganized by activating the edit mode (on the right side of the menu) and then using drag and drop. It is possible to have multiple levels of categories. Useful if you have many dashboards.
A new dashboard will always be created without any content. Dashboard modules must be added for data visualization. For information regarding the addition/modification of dashboard modules, see Dashboard Modules
At the bottom of the page there are public dashboards. These can be used to allow non-users to see (but not edit) one of your dashboards. For further explanation, see Public Dashboards