Sensor-Online™ Manual


Welcome to the world of Sensor-Online™ we bring you sensordata directly from your machine to your office from everywhere.

Sensor-Online™ is an open, flexible and scalable IoT platform that allows you to build your own IoT system based on a stable and flexible IoT stack with all the necessary features. We support all sensor brands regardless of manufacturer and communication protocols. Sensor-Online’s open APIs and protocols make’s it easy to integrate public data and sensors, community network services, and third-party products and systems. Sensor-Online™ is built with focus on simplicity and a great user experience. Sensor-Online™ is a comprehensive IoT software platform that is configured to cater multiple applications like energy management, water management, temperature monitoring, proptech, asset management, cold chain and more. Sensor-Online™ provides a number of competitive advantages for rapid IoT development and deployment. First and foremost, it empowers IoT solution engineers with end-to-end IoT development experience so that they can create fully-featured enterprise-grade IoT applications on a single platform. 

the IoT application enablement platform, allowing you to build great IoT products and services with value. It connects, controls, and manages IoT devices; all in one place.

We support more than 300 sensors with readymade payload decoders making it very easy to start develop your IOT application using SensorOnline beqause the IOT portal are hardware agnostic so you can mix and match sensors from different manufacturers

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Updated 25 Mar 2024
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