Payload decoders
BridgeX is a converter device that supports a huge collection of LoRaWAN sensor's and IO-hardware from worldleading manufacturers. Readymade decoders that immediately transforms the raw sensor data into valuable business data. The sensorlibrary includes a multitude of standard IoT devices to help you get started with your IoT project in minutes. Easily connect any sensordevice from the mentioned in the below list and send the data directly to your PLC or SCADA, - no coding required! The most popular off-the-shelf IoT devices are already integrated into the BridgeX converter, and new IOT devices/sensors are added continuously to our device decoder library. You can also create your own JS payload decoder with our webbased application server interface.

BridgeX 'Proof of concept', stresstest with 1000 sensor payloads decoding and writing to ModbusTCP holding register per minute.
Sensor decoder presentation can be found here New decoders are added continuously, you can upgrade your BridgeX device using the "SEED" button if the device are connected to the internet and our Github account.

- Adeunis 4di
- Adeunis Field Tester
- Adeunis Temp
- Adeunis 100 Apmere
- Adeunis 50 Ampere
- Aqualabo
- Aquascope bvs
- Aquascope wwd
- Axiom WaterGuage
- Bmeters iwmlr3
- Browan
- Browan TBMS100
- Comtac ipncm4
- Comtac ipnkm
- Comtac ipntd1
- Decentlab 10HS
- Decentlab 5TE
- Decentlab 5TM
- Decentlab AC
- Decentlab ATM22
- Decentlab ATM41
- Decentlab CTD10
- Decentlab DLR20010
- Decentlab DLR20012
- Decentlab DLR2002
- Decentlab DLR2003
- Decentlab DLR2004
- Decentlab DLR2005
- Decentlab DLR2006
- Decentlab DLR2008
- Decentlab DS18
- Decentlab GS3
- Decentlab IAM
- Decentlab ist
- Decentlab ITST
- Decentlab KL66
- Decentlab lid
- Decentlab LP8P
- Decentlab MBX
- Decentlab OPTOD
- Decentlab PAR
- Decentlab pm
- Decentlab PR21
- Decentlab PR26
- Decentlab PR36
- Decentlab PR36CTD
- Decentlab PressureTemp
- Decentlab PYR
- Decentlab RangeFinder
- Decentlab RHC
- Decentlab SHT21
- Decentlab SHT35
- Decentlab SMTP
- Decentlab TBRG
- Decentlab TRS11
- Decentlab TRS12
- Decentlab TRS21
- Decentlab wrm
- Decentlab ZN1
- Decentlab ZN2
- Develiot rwmr
- Dingtek dc410
- Dingtek df530
- Dingtek df702
- Decentlab DepthTempCon
- DM SensorData
- Dragino lbt1
- Dragino ldds20
- Dragino ldds75
- Dragino lds01
- Dragino lgt92
- Dragino lht65
- Dragino lse01
- Dragino lsn50v2
- Dragino lsn50v2 d20
- Dragino lsn50v2 s31
- Dragino lt22222
- Dragino lt33222
- Dragino lwl01
- EcoAdaptDecode
- ELA Innovation
- Ellenex
- Elsys
- All MCF88 and Eningko sensors
- Enginko LW20xxx
- Enlink Expando
- EpicSensorDecode
- Espeasy packed
- Globalsat LS-134
- DM Guppy
- Hummbox, all devices
- Imst ioke868
- Imst range extender
- Infinite Informatics ADS270
- IoT AB Pycom
- Keller ADT1
- Keller base
- Koping
- Laird RS1xx
- LKAB001
- LS134 TEST
- MCF88
- Mcf88 digital
- Mcf88 environmental
- Mcf88 power
- MCF88Thermo
- Mcf88 weather
- Mclimate aqi
- Mclimate flood sensor
- Mclimate ht sensor
- Mclimate t value
- Mclimate vicki
- Milesight am107
- Milesight am109
- Milesight em300th
- Milesight EM310-UDL
- Milesight em500co2
- Milesight em500udl
- Moirelabs p1a
- Moko lw001
- Moko lw003
- Moko lw004
- Moko lw005mp
- Netvox 150A
- Netvox r311a
- Netvox r311g b
- Netvox r311w
- Netvox r711
- Netvox r718
- Netvox r718da
- Netvox r718e
- Netvox r718n1
- Netvox r718n3
- Netvox ra0715
- Netvox rb02i
- Netvox rb11e
- Nexelec carbon
- Nke watteco atmo
- Nke watteco bob
- Nke watteco celso
- Nke watteco flasho
- Nke watteco humido
- Nke watteco ino
- Nke watteco intenso
- Nke watteco levo plus
- Nke watteco presso
- Nke watteco pulse sens
- Nke watteco pulseatex zone1
- Nke watteco remote
- Nke watteco skydome
- Nke watteco smart
- Nke watteco t2 ctn
- Nke watteco th
- Nke watteco tindoor
- Nke watteco torano atex zone1
- Nke watteco triphaso
- Nke watteco vaqao
- Nke watteco vaqao plus
- Nke watteco ventilo
- Nwave nps310sm
- DM Oyster
- ParametricPCR2
- People Counter
- Polysense
- Pycom Scale
- Radiobridge
- RawDecoder
- Robeau DN20
- Robeau DN25
- SensativeStripsDecode
- Sensecap common
- Sensedge senstick pro
- Sensedge senstick pure
- Sigfox Tempguard
- Smart parks opencollar
- Snow Depth Iot
- Squid Decode
- Stmicroelectronics nucleo wl55jc
- Strega smart valve
- Talkpool OY1210
- Talkpool OY1700
- Scales
- Tekbox TBS12
- Tektelic ac outlet switch gen1
- Tektelic ac outlet switch gen2
- Tektelic Agriculture
- Tektelic enterprise asset tracker
- Tektelic industrial gps asset tracker
- Tektelic industrial transceiver
- Tektelic smart room sensor
- Tektelic smart room sensor gen3
- Tektelic tundra sensor
- Tekziel tekzipark
- Teneo iot co2 filling degree
- Teneo iot co2 stoplicht
- Ttn the things node
- Ursalink AM100
- Ursalink EM500
- Ursalink
- Ursalink T1
- Digital matters Yabby