LoRaWAN Gateway setup
The example below is based on Miilesight UG65, a popular lorawan gateway, however BridgeX works with all gateway brands. The only requirement is that it is capable of running in 'packet forward' mode.
The Milesight UG65 has its DHCP client disabled by default and the default static configuration is unlikely to fit your network. You will therefore initially need to access the web interface by connecting to the gateway's wireless hotspot. The hotspot will have a name formatted as Gateway_[serial number].
Once connected to the hotspot the Web GUI will be accessible through any browser (Milesight recommends Google Chrome). Enter in your browser address bar and press enter. You should now see a login prompt like the one in the image below.

Once logged in you might see the first startup dialogue. Select the antenna configuration of your device and press next. The next step allows you to change the admin password. It is also possible to leave the default password by pressing close. This is however not recommended if the network is somehow publicly accessible.

The default settings for the wired ethernet connection can be found under Network -> Interface. Change these to match your network or use DHCP by changing the connection type.

Save and apply.
There needs to be a packet forwarder set up to enable communication between the gateway and the LoRa-server/BridgeX.

Add a new connection with the blue plus in the bottom right of the image.

- Type should be Semtech.
- Server Address should point to the LoRa-server. This is the local IP of the BridgeX or the server running SO.
- Ports are generally always 1700.
You may also want to disable the embedded network server as it isn't used.
Don't forget to save and apply at the bottom of the page.