BridgeX Installation
Add LoRaWAN Devices (tags) to be decoded
A list of added devices can be seen under Tags in the menu. The search field at the top of the list will filter on every column (e.g. entering "Elsys" will show all devices with the Elsys decoder or with a name containing Elsys).

List Of Devices
New devices are added using the Create New Tag button.

Add New Device Form
- Name: Required. Helps identify the tag. Alphanumeric.
- Deveui: Required. LoRa device ID. 16 character hex string. Always confirm the length.
- AppKey: Required. LoRa device encryption key. 32 character hex string. Will cause packet errors if incorrect. Always confirm the length.
- AppEUI: Leave as zeroes unless instructed otherwise. Chirpstack ignores AppEUI.
- DevAddr: Leave empty unless instructed otherwise.
- Network Session Key: Leave empty unless instructed otherwise.
- App Session Key: Leave empty unless instructed otherwise.
- Suffix: Ignore unless using WebPort.
- Decoder: Select the decoder matching your device. Some devices use a decoder for that manufacturer e.g. Elsys. Some decoders are model specific. You may select RawDecoder to capture raw payloads for debugging purposes.
- Activated: Device is activated only if checkbox is checked.
Updated 25 Mar 2024

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